First the good part, Django, by default, uses Python’s built in
unittest library - and as of Python 2.7+ that has a reasonable set of
built in assertion types.
(And for versions of django before 1.8, django backported the python
2.7 unittest library.) Django has a pretty good test discovery system
(apparently from the upgraded Python 2.7 unittest library) and will
run any code in files matching test*.py. So to run all your test, you
just type ./ test at the top of your project. You can also
run the tests in individual modules or classes by doing something
like: ./ test animals.tests - without having to put the if
name == __main__ stuff in each file. You can even run individual
tests - though you have to know the method name (more or less like you
have to in Ruby’s minitest framework): ./ test animals.tests.AnimalTestCase.test_animals_can_speak
The best part of Django’s test runner is the setup it does for you -
creating a new test database for each run, running your migrations,
and if you ask it to, importing any fixtures you request. Then, after
collection all the discovered tests, it runs each test inside a
transaction to provide isolation.
Test Output
But coming from the Ruby and Ruby on Rails worlds, the testing tools
in Python and Django are not as elegant as I am used to. At one point
I thought the Ruby community’s emphasis on creating testing tools that
display English-like output for the running tests bordered on
obsessive. But having spent some time in Python/Django which doesn’t
encourage tools like that, I have come to appreciate the Rubyist’s
efforts. Both RSpec and Minitest have multiple built in output format
options - and lots of people have created their own reporter add ons -
so you can see your test output exactly the way you want it with very
little effort. The django test command allows 4 verbosity levels but
for the most part they only change how much detail you get about the
setup process for the tests. The only differences in the test output
reporting are that you get dots at verbosity levels 0 and 1 and the
test names and file locations at levels 2 and 3:
So increasing the verbosity level is useful for debugging your tests
but disappointing if you are trying to use the tests to document your
Behave and django-behave
This is the main reason why, despite being unenthusiastic about
Cucumber in Ruby, I am supporting using Python’s behave with
django-behave for our new project. One of the things I don’t like
about cucumber is it all to frequently becomes an exercise in writing
regular expressions (for the step matching). I don’t like that if you
need to pass state between steps, you set instance variables; this is
effective, but it looks kind of like magic.
With ‘behave’, you need to do the same things but in more explicit
ways. The step matching involves litteral text with placeholders. If
you want to do full regular expression matching you can, but you need
to set the step matcher
for that step to be ‘re’ - regular expression matching isn’t the
default. For sharing state, there is a global context variable.
When you are running features and scenarios, additional namespaces get
added to the root context object - and then removed again as they go
out of scope again. Adding information to the context variable seems
more explicit - but with the namespace adding and removing - I am not
sure that this isn’t more magical than the instance variables in Cucumber.
Django’s TestCase Encourages Integration Tests
The main testing tool that Django encourages using is it’s TestCase
class which tests a bunch of concerns - request options, routing, the
view’s context dictionary, response status and template rendering.
It’s odd to me that Django’s docs only discuss integration tests and
not proper unit tests. With Django’s Pythonic explicitness, it is
fairly easy to set up isolated pieces of the Django stack by just
importing the pieces you care about into your test. For example, you
can test your template’s rendering by creating a dictionary for the
context information and then rendering the template with that context.
Harry Percival’s book “Test-Driven Development with Python”
does a very nice job of showing you how to unit test the various
sections of the Django stack - routing, views, templates, etc.
More than just not discussing isolated unit tests, at least some of
Django’s built in assertions actively require you to write a
functional / integration test. I tried rendering my template to html
and then called assertContains to test some specific html info. But I
got an error about the status code! In order to use assertContains on
the template, I have to make a view request.
Coming from the Rails world, I don’t really want the simple
assertContains matching. What I really want is Rails’ built-in html
testing method, assert_select. I found a Django library that is
somewhat similar, django-with-asserts. But like assertContains,
django-with-assert’s test mixin class uses the Django TestCase as it’s
base and so also wants you to make a view request so it can test the
StatusCode. I really wanted django-with-asserts functionality but I
want to use it in isolation when I can, so I forked it
and removed the dependency on the request / response cycle.
Our ZenPhoto install wants to be able to notify us when there are new
comments. I also may eventually want to set up exception notifications
for some of my dynamic sites. At least for now, I don’t want to run a
full-blown mail server for our domains; I don’t want to deal with spam
detection and restricting who can use the mail server to relay mail,
etc. But I know that many of the common Unix email servers can be
configured so that they don’t receive mail and only send mail if it
originates on one or more specific servers. I don’t have a lot of
experience setting up mail servers. The ones I am most familiar with
are qmail (which is what ArsDigita used everywhere) and Postfix. I am
betting that it will be easier to set up Postfix on Ubuntu so let’s
look for some instructions.
Installing Postfix
There are some promising looking instructions on the Digital Ocean
site - for Postfix on Ubuntu 14.04. Postfix is apparently the default
mail server for Ubuntu because sudo apt-get install mailutils
installs postfix as one of the “additional packages”. The install
process asked me two questions: what kind of mail server configuration
I needed (I chose ‘Internet Site’), and what is the domain name for
the mail server. I debated whether I should leave this set to the
hostname for the server, which is a subdomain of one of our domains,
or if I should set it to just the domain. Tim may have our domain name
registrar set up for email forwarding for the domain so it may be
slightly safer to configure this mail server with the subdomain. And
it will make it a lot clearer to me where the email is coming from.
So, following the instructions,
I edited /etc/postfix/ and changed inet_interfaces = all to
inet_interfaces = localhost and restarted the postfix service. Now I
see postfix only on the local interface (ipv4 and ipv6):
I tested email sending with: echo "test email body" | mail -s "Test
email" cnk@<destination> and it went through just fine. YEAH!
Now, I need to forward system mail (e.g. root mail) to me. To do this,
I need to add a line to /etc/aliases for root + the destination
emails. Then I got the new entries in /etc/aliases into
/etc/aliases.db by running the newaliases command. I tested the
new root works by sending a second test email:
echo "test email body" | mail -s "Test email for root" root And this
one also got to me.
There was an additional section about how to protect my domain from
being used for spam - especially in this case, being impersonated. The
article on setting up an SPF record
doesn’t look too hard - if the service we are using to do DNS lets us
set that up. I’ll have to look into it when we are switching DNS.
Configuring Email in ZenPhoto
Having the ability to get root mail is good - but the main reason I
wanted email on this server was for ZenPhoto’s comment
functionality. So now, on the plugin page of the ZenPhoto admin site,
there is a Mail tab
with two options. For now I chose zenphoto_sendmail which just uses
the PHP mail facility to send mail using the local mail server.
I have shared a web site with a photographer friend of mine for
several years. I would like to do some other, more modern things, with
my web server so it’s time to upgrade. I have been using RedHat as my
Linux distribution for …. well since RedHat version 4 or 5. But when
I started using Vagrant VMs when I looked for RH Virtual Box images,
the CentOS or Fedora images where generally much larger than the
Ubuntu images. So I started playing with Ubuntu. And at work we are
planning to use Ubuntu for our new project because we want something
that supports AppArmor - so means Arch or something in the Debian
family. Ubuntu is widely used in the Rails and Django communities so
seems like a good choice. The latest long-term supoort version is
Ubuntu 14.04, aka Trusty.
Having chosen my Linux distribution, I need to chose a hosting
service. The two current contenders for low cost VPS’s are
DigitalOcean and
Linode. A couple of years ago Linode
sponsored RailsRumble and provided the hosting for all the
contestants. It seemed fairly decent and had some nice options like
their StackScripts. So I think I’ll use Linode.
New Linode Server
I spun up a Linode 2G instance on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with a 512 Mb swap
disk (max it would allow me to set). That same form asked me to set a
root password for the new server.
Using that password, I logged in and immediately did:
apt-getupdateapt-getupgradeapt-getinstallgit-corecurlzlib1g-devbuild-essentiallibssl-devlibreadline-devlibyaml-devlibsqlite3-dev\sqlite3libxml2-devlibxslt1-devlibcurl4-openssl-devpython-software-propertieslibffi-devuseradd-gstaff-m-s/bin/bashcnkuseradd-gstaff-m-s/bin/bashtim# and set passwords for both of usapt-getinstallemacs24-nox# added both tim and cnk to the sudoer's file
From the Getting Started Guide
One of the first things the Getting Started guide
asks you to do is to set the hostname.
Edited /etc/hosts to add one line mapping the public IP assigned to me
to the hostname I just configured. The final file is:<domain>.orgtrickster# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts::1localhostip6-localhostip6-loopbackff02::1ip6-allnodesff02::2ip6-allrouters
Time zone
The default for Ubuntu is for servers to use UTC until that is changed
to something else:
Linode also has an excellent security guide
so let’s work through that.
sshd Configuration
It suggests disabling password authentication and only allowing
keys. OK so I copied my public key into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
file on the linode box. So I can now ssh without a password.
Then I edited /etc/ssh/sshd_config to disable password authentication
and root login and restarted sshd.
Setting Up iptables
The guide has a fairly sensible looking set of firewall rules for IP
tables and good instructions for how to create them in a file and then
load them into iptables. The defaults look just fine to me for now so
I just followed the instructions. And similarly I followed the
instructions for how to get loading the firewall rules into the boot
sequence before the network interface is enabled. I would need to
reboot the server to see if that really worked but don’t feel like it
just now.
The guide also suggested setting up Fail2Ban but since we are not
allowing logins with passwords, I am not really sure how helpful that
is. We do have ZenPhoto set up to password protect most of our albums,
mostly because we were getting comment spam on the old version of
the site. So perhaps I will want to set that up at some point - but
not for now.
Installing MySQL, Apache, and PHP
Linode also has a guide for setting up a LAMP stack
on their server (including some tuning for their smallest (1G RAM)
offering). But I had found this other guide
for setting up Rails on Ubuntu 14.04, so I mostly used it.
For reference, this gives me mysqld Ver 5.5.43-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 for debian-linux-gnu on x86_64 ((Ubuntu))
I was prompted to set a root password for the database which I
did. The default install bound MySQLd to which is good
and the default_storage_engine is InnoDB - also good. But the default
server character set is latin1. It is the 21st century and I think we
should all be using UTF8 all the time. So I created a file in /etc/mysql/conf.d/default_charset_utf8.cnf
and used what I had used yesterday when I set up MySQL a CentOS system
with MySQL 5.5:
But the server would not restart. In the error log I see:
Hun? Searching for that error message turned up this blog post
which claims that option was deprecated in MySQL 5.0. Searching the
MySQL docs, I only see default-character-set as a command line
option. Apparently the more correct way to do this now is:
Checking the security of my MySQL server set up, there do not appear
to be any test databases or anonymous access to the database. And root
can only log in locally. While I was in the mysql console, I created
the zenphoto user and zenphoto_prod database.
Apache, PHP, and ZenPhoto
A week or so ago, I had installed LAMP + the new version of ZenPhoto
on a VM (using Vagrant) so I could see how feasible it would be to
migrate directly from our super old ZenPhoto to the latest version by
creating database migration files. So now I need to do the same thing
on the new server. First I installed apache and PHP:
I was able to use the defaults for most of the apache configuration. I
may want to use the status command. In /etc/apache2/envvars file
there is the following comment:
## The command to get the status for 'apache2ctl status'.## Some packages providing 'www-browser' need '--dump' instead of '-dump'.# export APACHE_LYNX='www-browser -dump'
Looks like w3m satisfies that requirement so I changed the line above
to export APACHE_LYNX='w3m -dump'
I now see the default Apache page for Ubuntu when I go to the IP
address of my server. I didn’t make any changes to the php
parameters. Later, I may need to tweak the parameters in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
but for now I am just going to move on to installing ZenPhoto.
I copied zenphoto-zenphoto-1.4.7.tar.gz up to the server, untarred it
into /var/www/html/ and renamed the folder to just ‘zenphoto’.
ZenPhoto supplies an example config file:
zp-core/zenphoto_cfg.txt. You copy that to
zp-data/zenphoto.cfg.php and then edit it to provide the
database connection information, etc.
Normally what one would do next is navigate to the
zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php url and let the set up script install
everything. But I want to use the data from our current site.
Fortunately zenphoto is set up so people can share a database by
setting a tablename prefix. So by setting the table prefix for the new
site to something different than our original install, I was able to
have complete sets of tables for the old and new installations in the
same database. I went through the tables field by field and found that
although there were some new columns, I was able to write SQL
statements to copy info from the original site into the new
tables. The admin / configuration information was very different so I
did not attempt to tranfer that. But the image and album information
was very similar so it was pretty straightfoward to transfer most of
the data into the new schema.
Once I had the original album and image data in the new tables, I
navigated to http://<ipaddress>/zenphoto/ to run the setup script on
top of the mostly set up database. With the database in place and the
software set up, I used rsync to transfer the photos into the albums
directory on the new site.
Rewrite rules for pretty urls
Now I can navigate to the photo albums - but the urls are
different. The old site was using rewrite rules to create pretty urls
like: but the new
site is serving that alubum page as
The install script had asked if I wanted it to create a .htaccess file
and I had said yes. mod_rewrite was not enabled by default in my
apache install but I had enabled it using sudo a2enmod rewrite
but still no dice. The .htaccess files from the old and new versions
of ZenPhoto are very different so it was hard to tell if that was the
issue, or something else. In fact the new file says:
# htaccess file version 1.4.5;# Rewrite rules are now handled by PHP code# See the file "zenphoto-rewrite.txt" for the actual rules## These rules redirect everything not directly accessing a file to the# Zenphoto index.php script...
In the ZenPhoto admin interface there is a checkbox under URL options
for mod rewrite. When I check that, the links in the pages are
now the ‘pretty urls’ that I expect. But clicking on them gives me a
404 error. Unchecking the box gives me back the index.php + query args
urls - which work. Hmmmmm. It took me a while to figure out that the
issue was that my main apache configration was set to ignore .htaccess
files. In my /etch/apache2/apache2.conf:
I could have allowed .htaccess files to be used by changing the
AllowOverride directive. But since I have full control over the
configs, it seemed more sensible to just copy the rules from the
.htaccess file into the virtual host config file for my ZenPhoto
site. Since ZenPhoto does a lot of magical set up, I didn’t remove the
unused .htaccess file from the zenphoto directory - in case something
in the ZenPhoto admin checks to see if it is available.
<Directory />
# CNK copied this from the .htaccess file in /zenphoto# rather than change the AllowOverride settings globally## htaccess file version 1.4.5;# Rewrite rules are now handled by PHP code# See the file "zenphoto-rewrite.txt" for the actual rules## These rules redirect everything not directly accessing a file to the Zenphoto index.php script#<IfModule mod_autoindex.c>
IndexIgnore *
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngineOnRewriteBase /zenphoto
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [L]
RewriteRule ^.*/?$ index.php [L,QSA]
Comment configuration
OK almost everything is up and running. But I don’t see the comments I
migrated - nor do I see a comment form on each page. I didn’t transfer
the configuration stuff via the database, so I need to enable comments
from the admin interface
There is a configuration page for the comments plugin - asking if we
need people’s names and email addresses and whether or not to allow
anonymous or private commenting. I am going to defer to Tim on how he
wants that set up. I did go ahead and enable one of the captcha
plugins so at least there is a small barrier to comment spam. That and
the comment system will email us about new comments - once I get email
set up. See the next post for how I set up an outgoing mail server on
the new machine. With that working, all I had to do was enable the
zenphoto_sendmail plugin to get new comments emailing us. I think that
just sends mail as if it were using /usr/bin/sendmail (which postfix
will pick up as a backwards compatibility nicety). If we want
something more configurable, we may want to switch to the PHPMailer
plugin which allows you to set more configuration options in the
ZenPhoto admin interface.
There is an archive page
that shows when all the photos were taken (based on the EXIF data I
think). The listings were there but the pages it linked to said “no
images found”. But when I clicked the “Refresh Metadata” button on the
main admin page, it rebuilt whatever index was needed to make the
images show up on the by date listings.
I want to set up MySQL server and all to it connections to it to use
utf8. For work, we are using MySQL server 5.5 and RHEL 6.5 (or the
equivalent CentOS on our Vagrant VMs).
Settings in the [mysqld] section apply to the server. Settings in
the [mysql] section apply to the mysql command line client. And
settings in the [client] section apply to all clients. Since I am
mainly trying to change how the server and our python (or ruby)
clients interact with the database, I want to make changes in the
[mysqld] and [client] sections.
If I add default-character-set = utf8 to the [mysqld] section, and
restart the server, my settings are now:
When I create a new database without specifying a character set, it is
created with server’s default, UTF8. That’s good. But the client and
connection character set still say latin1.
Step 3a. Setting the connection characterset explicitly
I can explicitly set the character set for character_set_client,
character_set_connection, and character_set_results after I have
logged into the database but doing either:
mysql> SET NAMES 'utf8';
mysql> charset utf8
In either case, all of my character set variables are now utf8. With
‘set names’, the character set reverts to the default ‘latin1’ if the
client has to reconnect but with the ‘charset utf8’ command, the
change survives needing to reconnect. (Note the syntax differences
betweeen the 2 commands - set names requires quoting ‘utf8’ and a
semicolon to execute. Charset does not require either.)
But both of those commands have to be issued after the connection is
established - and need to be repeated each time I connect. I want
something more automatic.
Step 3b. Changing the client / connection character set.
It looked like I should be able to bet the client settings working by
adding the same line, default-character-set = utf8, to the
[client] section. But in my initial trials, that didn’t seem to
change anything. I also tried adding default-character-set = utf8 to
both the [client] and [mysql] sections. But I still get:
Some of the things I was reading indicated that my problem might be
that connections for superusers (like root) might behave differently
than connections for normal users. I tried creating a normal user and
then retesting various combinations of parameters - with the same
I finally found something that consistently gave me utf8 connection
parameters without having to set them expliclty (see digression
below). In this article
about converting to a better version of MySQL utf8, utf8mb4, I see
this directive: character-set-client-handshake = FALSE. Adding that to
my [mysqld] section gives me consistent utf8 connection parameters
with root and other users. However, I don’t think I really want to do
that. I may want to be able to override the character set information
for some connections (for example if I am connecting to legacy
databases that are not in utf8). I think most of the frameworks I use
already pass a character set parameter with the connection - at least
Rails has a character set option in it’s database.yml config file.
I have been looking into different editing and publishing tools for a
new project at work. One of the formats of interest in Markdown
because it is fairly straightforward to do a number of basic things
and the stored format is cleaner than html. But since most people,
myself included, don’t have the various tags committed to memory, we
are going to need to provide an in browser preview for the Markdown
input. So I went looking for libraries that would allow us to add a
preview pane to our textareas.
One of the tools I found is an in browser editor that uses Markdown as
it’s fundamental input format and can save the markdown to a variety
of collaboration and blogging tools or export the text as html or
PDF. It will also save your file to a ssh server. I am not sure I want
to put my username and password into a web site - any web site. So
instead of using the web interface, I think
I’ll try to install it on my laptop and use it from there.
Git clone into ~/Code/javascript
StackEdit needs node and npm. I have those, but I bet my versions
are out of date, so let’s update all my homebrew software:
brew update
brew upgrade
Update my version of npm (gets released more frequently than node.js):
npm install npm -g
I need gulp and bower and probably want them global / in my path:
npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp
install local dependencies (in ~/Code/javascript/stackedit):
npm install
Now back on the developer instructions:
bower install
The instructions for running the node server were export PORT=80
&& node server.js but that gave me errors because I was trying to
bind to a privileged port. So instead I did
export PORT=9999 && node server.js
and I am now editing this on http://localhost:9999/editor
Unfortunately, I was not able to get the saving to an ssh server to
work - at least not when the ssh server is my local Mac. I am pretty
sure this is an issue with how my Mac’s ssh daemon is configured. But
without that, I don’t know that editing in the browser with side by
side preview is all that much more convenient than creating posts in
emacs and using Octopress’s rake preview task. So installing
StackEdit locally was a fun exercise. But I think I will mostly be
using it on the web at