Using Mixins Inside of Chef Recipes
There are a couple of wrinkles about mixing ruby modules into your
chef code. The first appears to be that the chef DSL takes over
everything (or nearly everything) - including the include
command. So using normal ruby like include MyModule
inside a recipe
file causes a compile time error:
..... omitted ...
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["testcookbook::default"]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
- testcookbook
Compiling Cookbooks...
[2015-07-09T13:53:52-07:00] WARN: this should log node info bar from 'Chef::Log'
Recipe Compile Error in .../testcookbook/recipes/default.rb
No resource or method named `include' for `Chef::Recipe "default"'
That seems odd - but it is probaby a good thing since if it worked, it
might end up including your library code into the wrong place. With
nearly all libraries, you want your module code available in some
specific execution scope - which is probably not the compile time
scope. To use our UsefulMethods
module in our recipe context, we
need the following in our recipe file:
::Chef::Recipe.send(:include, UsefulMethods)
This blog post on the site does a really nice job of explaining how (and why) to write libraries and then use them in your recipes. In their example code, the library code needs to be used inside the user resource: Chef::Resource::User.
Creating Modules Inside a Namespace
The second example in the custom libraries section of
Customizing Ruby
shows another option for how to get your library code exactly where
you want it. Instead of defining a generic module and then including
it in your recipe, as above, you can set up your library within the
namespace in which you want to use it. In the case of our
code, we rewrite the library as a class inside the
class Chef::Recipe::StopFile
def self.stop_file_exists?
And then in our recipe file we don’t have to send any message to include the new class. Because it was created inside the Chef::Recipe namespace, it gets loaded into our recipe context when the library file is loaded at the beginning of the chef run. We can just call the class method like so:
if StopFile.stop_file_exists?